Life has a tendency of getting in the way, or taking off into a direction you didn’t expect. Like having kids and not being able to fulfill your life long career goals because the food on the table became the priority.
Or taking on the good job and buying a home, meeting someone and making house instead of traveling the world and seeing what awaits you. No matter what the reason, or what the excuse it is not uncommon to feel like your life has slipped away without you reaching the big goal, accomplishing the big dream.
It is not unnatural to fall into the comfort zone of your life, whether happy or not, excited or not, what you want or not.
It is however your choice of whether you will grow old and be happy with the twists and winding road you have followed, or whether you will do what has to be done till the family can tend to themselves, and it is your turn.
It is never too late to go after a dream, no matter what your life has been or what trials you have had to face..
Stop blaming the world and start living.
Go back to school if that is the dream, borrow, or beg for the money it doesn’t matter make it happen.
Sell the house and travel the world, it is one year of your life you will never forget.
It is never to late to follow a dream, never to late to make it your life!