I am often asked why does someone go see a Psychic and to be honest the answer varies. Some just for a sense of relief. Some to gain some understanding. The odd one wants to hear what they want will happen. For the most part though just some hope and direction.
I am mot going to lie to you. I don't go to many psychics. Not because I don't want the help but because the psychic/healing world is a tuff nut to crack. You think competition in the workplace is hard in the real world? It hasn't got anything on the ego of the Meta physicals.
I am the best, No I am. You don't know how to read, I know how to read. Whatever psychic told you that is a quack. "Kjarlune Rae? Please she doesn't know shit!" I have heard and seen in all in the world I work very hard to not associate in.
I would love to tell you that we are all in this for the love of it, the shear joy of helping people. I would love to tell you that we all have the best intentions. That we all take so much pride in our jobs that we think of you before anything else. I would love to tell you this world is full of Rainbows and butterflies but alas, I would be lying.
Ego is a terrible thing. No matter who you are or what you do.
The truth is that a psychic or healer has the same chances of saving the world as a Dr. has of never seeing a patient die.
Psychics and Healers whether you believe in them or not should be held at a higher level of accountability. We are human yes, but like a Dr. you should be able to count on us. Depend on us to at least do our best. At least give our all.
Psychics and Healers are held to a higher level of accountability by the Universe. What we say and what we do is a measure on how our life goes. No one can guarantee you that what they say is 100% right but if you have found a psychic or healer that you want to check out make sure they live by AND IT HARM NONE!
Our job in the Metaphysical Holistic world is to support, understand and love un- conditionally. No matter who you are or where you come from. We are your safe zone. Or at least we better be.
A reading is more than what does your future hold. It is a place where you can gain answers to your life`s problem. A solution for what you keep tripping over. It is not about Ego or about being right. It is about being helpful. Whether it is that kick in the ass you desperately need but no one else will give,or that new perspective that makes every block of your life fall into place.
A reading is about finding solutions and road maps to get you on your chosen or contracted road. It is up to you what you will do with the information once you get it but we are the front line. If our ego, and opinions get in the way then we are leading you down a garden path and that is punishable by The Universe and Fate.
You are entitled to ask questions about your psychic or healers life because if they are living on the right side of The Universe, the blessings are every where around them.
What we do we get back is the most important thing to remember when seeing a healer. We are not witches, nor god. We cannot force or demand, we can only share. The life your psychic or healer has is a gift from their clients. Whether it be a happy home or money in the bank they didn`t get it alone. You the ones who trust us supplied and for that we should always hold onto humility and thankfulness.
A reading or healing can and will change your life if you and your healer allow it. We share everything that we are and support and understand you in every way that you don`t. The future cannot exist without some faith and belief and neither can we.
We take your life in our hands whether you realize it or not. We are the holders of answers if we are open enough to receive them. Not everyone is great with numbers, not everyone can help the elderly die and not everyone can heal and read but we are all born with gifts. All born with a purpose to full fill and a life contract to complete.
You don`t buy a car without checking into it. Don`t pick a healer or psychic without some knowledge because there is more to a reading or healing than meets the eye. Life change and life`s blessings are around us everywhere. If you allow it.
Thank you. Thank you for my life, thank you for your trust. Thank you for your faith. Please never question. Whether I know you or I don`t I love you too.